Thursday, June 21, 2007

Anyone seeking success

Gold= money
I know, I know, you've heard it all before...
...get paid a bagillion, trillion, gazillion dollars with our business opportunity and you never have to sell anything, call anyone, advertise or do anything at all and your money will come-in faster than a Indy 500 race car.
With so many sure-fired ways to get rich on the Net, you would think there would be millions of rich people by now... who never had to work or learn anything. All they had to do is pay a few hundred bucks to get their brand new Rolls Royce, Lear Jet and 50 room mansion with British butlers and French maids.
And I would bet you have even fallen for the hype once or twice, am I right?
I hate to burst your bubble... but it's a HUGE lie!
After all, if these companies really have a way for you to get rich without you doing anything,... why would these companies need you???... they wouldn't!
And what's even worse, I'm seeing a trend with these companies. They offer NO REAL substance. You are paying for a so-called "marketing system" and that's about it. No real products, no real service... nothing for your money. It's just a front for exchanging dollars and you get nothing for your hard earned money but a website with all the hype to pass on to others. In other words, it's a gifting program.
Gold = Money

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