Tuesday, June 26, 2007

If you're in a home business, Guess what?You're in sales.But odds are you SUCK at selling like me. If you didn't, you'd be rich!Cause "SALES" is where the money is!What do ya think is happening when you buy DVD's from Walmart?You got sold!You forked over cash!Ka-ching!You can't sell? No problem, cause I've got answers...Ok...( -- deep breath --)If you pay attention to this...I promise you won't sleep tonight.Ok, see if this makes sense to you...HARD FACT
# 1:The majority of home business newbies don't REALLY want a business...They want money! To relieve the bill crunch. To help with theirkid's school tuition. To afford a second car, so mom and dad don'thave to share. And the list goes on...HARD FACT
# 2:The home business newbie doesn't have time to learn the "art ofdoing business"...They're too busy making a living! A boss fills most of their day.Then their spouse and kids want attention. Then there's only enoughtime to watch "Will and Grace" and then go to bed to get ready fortomorrow's grind.HARD FACT
# 3:The newbie just wants relief. They want it easy. They want a QUICKsolution like fast food...If some guy orders fries, they just want to drop a basket and pusha button.THINK MCDONALD'S!Cause 97% of newbies aren't really cut out to be entrepreneurs.They just want MORE money...Like yesterday!And they want a system that can DELIVER!THINK DOMINOS PIZZA(TM)!And...You don't have to be an entrepreneur to become wealthy.But you do have to invest in entrepreneurs that have the genius to create systems and companies that rake in cash!THINK STOCK MARKET!Take it from me...No matter what anybody tells you, after you've built up some capital, invest in stocks.A good diversified stock portfolio has proven to be the fastest wealth builder around and anybody with great money managers and a net worth of at least $10 million will tell you I'm not lying!But let's start with a direct sales business like EDC Gold! (smile)You need some dough.NOW!QUESTION --- SOLUTION:Would at least $3,000 cash by next week, help you?Can you follow my simple instructions to get 100's, even 1000's of people to your EDC Gold website?Could you handle getting paid $1000 everytime one of these visitors automatically and passively converts to a sale?Can you handle that!?NO TALKING. NO SELLING. NO CHASING. NO REJECTION. NO HASSLE?Can you handle that?Can you follow this fool-proof, jaw-dropping, eye-popping, cash flowing, poverty busting, self-esteem lifting, no sales experienceneeding, immediate substantial income generating, marketing system?Huh?Let me run it by you again.Here's the deal...You advertise with some proven marketing methods that yield GREAT results!You earn 100% commissions!That's it.NO TALKING. NO SELLING. NO CHASING. NO REJECTION. NO HASSLE!No more having to learn how to use auto-responders and HOPING yourrecruits can do it too.The VIP member's training page gets you in business step by step injust a couple hours. You could see your first $1000 payment in less than 3 hours!I'm telling ya...This is what the market wants right now and EDC Gold has delivered!I have helped many people qualify and receive $1000 cash/sale ---EACH in as little as 7-14 days after joining. They're now going onto making an extra 5-10+ sales a week working this business part-time!Now...Wash, rinse, repeat.That's it!It's so simple.I'm telling ya, it's like printing money!

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